We are a mobile drop off kayak business.

Same day rental requires a phone call to confirm your trip.
Use the Book a kayak rental page to book 24 hours in advance of your trip.
You will receive a confirmation email.

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Voyager Rental (3 hours)

• Rent a kayak for 3 hours

• $50 + tax (per kayak)

• Groups up to 6 people

• Choose any lake location (We conveniently meet you at drop-off/pick-up location with your kayaks)

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Expedition Rental (5 hours)

• Rent a kayak for 5 hours

• $70 + tax (per kayak)

• Groups up to 6 people

• Choose any lake location (We conveniently meet you at drop-off/pick-up location with your kayaks)

Payment and Waiver

Payment transaction and Waiver submission will take place at your launch reservation location/time.


• Photo ID and/or Current Driver’s license is required.

• You must be 18yrs old or older to rent a kayak.

• Individuals named on the contract/waiver form are required to submit credit card payment for full amount + tax (no cash) for each kayak reserved.

Your Credit card will be run through Square Mobile Card Reader, the industry leader in security. From the time you run your credit card payment, data is encrypted until it reaches Square’s processing environment. .The data stored from your card remains encrypted and secure from end to end. We have no access to our customer's personal credit card information.

Download Waiver

1. Download your waiver, resave file with your name, and email back to: silverfinnkayaking@gmail.com.

2. OR Download waiver, print and bring with you to launch site.


We ask that you respect your reservation by contacting us with a prior 24 hour notice of cancellation. Please contact us for cancellations at silverfinnkayaking@gmail.com.


Returning your Kayak and arriving back on time

We understand that we sometimes lose track of time when we are out having fun. Keep an eye out on your kayak return time and understand your time and distance you have to go to return back to your drop-off location. Paddling takes a bit of time so plan accordingly.

You are required to be back to your pick-up location at least 10 minutes ahead of schedule to assure you arrive safely and on your end time.

Late returns

Respect your scheduled rental time. If you cannot paddle back to your pick up site on time you will need to contact us immediately by phone or email.

For every half hour you are late, we will charge an additional late fee of $20/kayak.

Damage to Kayaks

We understand that there will be scuffs from time to time, because of general wear and tear. If there is a ding (a piece of material missing from the kayak) in the kayak greater than ½ inch long and 5cm deep, there will be additional charges placed on your credit card of $50 plus the cost of material.

An evaluation of the watercraft condition and accessories will take place upon return. If you fail to return any kayak and rental equipment your credit card will be charged the full retail price of each kayak and a police report will be filed.

Lost-Broken-Damaged - Stolen
Equipment Fees

Kayaks: (our kayaks retail from $375 - $550)
Paddle: $100
Life Jacket: $50
Waterproof Dry Bag: $30
Waterproof Phone Case: $15

"Keep calm and paddle on."